teckies.tutor / Outlook Express

Outlook Express Outlook Express
Description of Outlook Express

The most used application on your computer is Outlook Express.
Every day you launch it to send and receive email.
This tutorial features Outlook Express 4.

After installing Windows 98 or Internet Explorer 4, a shortcut is created on the Desktop for fast access. If you don't have a shortcut there, just go to Internet Explorer program menu
(Start>>Programs>>Internet Explorer) right-click on Outlook Express icon and select Copy, after that go to Desktop and right-click Paste.
If you're on Windows 95, running Internet Explorer 4, right-click on Desktop and select
Outlook Express is located at
"C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\MSIMN.EXE"

In Outlook Express window, you'll recognize: File, Edit, Help and other menus found in almost all programs running under Windows.
Feel free to click on each menu to get familiar with every command.

Outlook Express window
Outlook Express is composed of two frames:
The Left frame feature:

Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items,
Deleted Items and Draft.

The right frame, displays the content
of each folder.

Every folder has a specific function:
InboxInbox holds all your incoming messages, every email you
receive is located there.

OutboxOutbox holds all the messages you want to send.
Sent ItemsSent Items keeps a copy of every message you send, you can come back to it at any time and see what you've sent.
Deleted ItemsDeleted Items -similar to the Recycle bin on your Desktop-
holds all deletes messages. To permanently delete any message, you should delete it off the Deleted Items folder. Quite a useful folder in case you changed your mind about a deleted message, but be careful you will not be able to restore a message if you delete it from the Deleted Items folder.
DraftDraft: not everyone appreciates this folder, if you spend time working on your emails, Draft will save the message until you finish composing. You don't have to send every message right way,
just save it in Draft and finish it later on.
You will understand why Draft is so important as we go through Outlook Express.

Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items and Draft are the basic folders in Outlook Express, you will learn soon how to add your own personal folders.

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