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teckies.tutor / Windows98

Windows98 Windows98
Sign up with an Internet provider (ISP)

Register to get your Username and Password

Now you are ready to connect to the Internet.

If you are registering through America Online (AOL), you'd better use the CD because AOL installs a special browser called AOL4.
By now you should be more familiar with the procedure of setting up a Dial-up connection. The program on the CD performs exactly the same job.

This is useful in case you have lost your internet connection or deleted it by mistake, always make sure you keep you ISP settings in a safe place.
Follow the instructions in the previous page to restore your internet connection.
You can write down your ISP settings right now, go to
My Computer and open Dial-up NetworkingDial-up Networking, r-click on your connection and select Properties write down all details about your connection. The most important are access phone number under General tab, DNS settings under Server Types -TCP/IP settings.
Other settings are usually the same for most ISPs...

Now prepare to connect to your ISP and register your account, check the customer ID and password or "serial number" you've been given.
You can found those written inside your CD cover...

On your Desktop, r-click on Internet Explorer and select
Properties, go to Connection tab, under Proxy Server, specify a proxy server for your ISP, ask your internet company for the address. A proxy server is a special program that takes requests from your browser and process them. Usually, you will not need a proxy for signup, so turn it OFF by removing the ticker, but remember to switch proxy ON when you finish.

...Finally online.

Normally, you can find all settings related to your ISP inside the CD manual. If you lost it, maybe you will be lucky enough to find the settings on your ISP homepage.
Type User ID and Password and Connect...
Signing up is easily done with most ISPs, just fill an online form and finally get your own username and password. Usually, you receive a free email address, even sometimes an unlimited number of emails:
you@yourisp, yourfriend@yourisp, anothername@yourisp
Some ISPs even offer you free space to host your own website on their servers. Just follow to learn how to create a webpage using tools found on your computer.
After getting your username and password, log off, wait about 30 min.
Meanwhile, write down your username/password and store them in a safe place.

Now turn your proxy server
ON (r-click Internet Explorer icon on Desktop go to Connection tab), and login using your own username and password.

Note:Some ISPs don't use a proxy server

Each time you connect to your ISP, your username and password are verified, so be patient. After "Login on", you are ready to jump into the World Wide Web.
Many people get so excited about going online, some even prepare a list of sites to visit the first time, spending hours on the Internet.

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