Computer Health
your Computer from Viruses 1/3 |
After The Melissa and CIH (Chernobyl) strike,
computer users all around the world began to take
the Virus issue seriously. With Todays Viruses
you should be very careful, extremely careful....
A Virus can attack your computer and wipe up your
entire hard drive, even alter your bios shutting
your computer.
The good news is that until now, no Virus can
attack hardware. In my opinion information is
more valuable
than any piece of Hardware.
Imagine yourself working on a project and one
day, everything is gone.
Many people are sure that no Virus will ever
their computer. Don't be that sure !
In the old days, the primary source of Viruses
PIRATED software: you could get tons of Viruses
a five buck CD ready to hit your system.
With the expansion of the internet, a virus can
easily spread. The CIH Virus damages were
reported around
the globe. Continue>>>