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teckies.tutor / DOS

Basic Guide to DOS Basic Guide to DOS
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Listing the files

Now let's return to the Command Prompt.

Type CLS to clear the screen, the copyright line has disappeared.
The first command we learn is for displaying the content of the folder
we're in, by the way, a folder is called a Directory in DOS terms.
To display the directory content type DIR, a series of lines will now scroll on the page, and you will get something similar to this:

Dir Listing

the listing summarizes everything you need to know about the directory (folder)

The first 3 lines show the drive you're in (C) its Serial Number
and the current directory (C:\WINDOWS\Desktop)
then you get the file listing. Notice the "." and ".." the first dot(.) refers to current directory and (..) refers to Parent directory,
you will understand this in the next section.

<DIR> means that the item is a directory.
FILE TXT and PROGRAM EXE are files, the first a text file and the second a program. You can clearly see the size of every file plus
the exact date and time it was created.
The last column shows the filename or directory name.
At the end of listing you get the total number of files and directories
plus the total size of files (without directories) and finally the free
space on your drive.

Every time you want to display the content of a directory type DIR.
Before learning how to explore directories we will take a look at the directory structure.

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Basic Guide to DOS