Dial your ISP with your
In a previous tip, we've seen how HotKeys
let you launch your favorite
applications by using a keyboard shortcut. So Why not use
a hotkey to
dial your ISP instead of double-clicking the dialup icon
on your Desktop.
First you will need to have a shortcut to your dialup
connection on the desktop,
right-click the Shortcut and select Properties click
inside "Shortcut key:" field and
press a key on your keyboard to get the key combination
CTRL + ALT + key, press
Apply then Ok to go back.
navigation dots
DOS users might remember the dots, where "."
stands for the current
directory and ".." stands for parent directory.
Windows users can still use the dots to navigate along
the directory structure. For instance if your reading an html document
located at
c:\myfolder\doc.html you can jump to "myfolder"
by typing "." at Run box (without the quotes) ".." will send you to
parent directory which
is drive C in this case (C:\ ).
Organize the Start menu
The Start menu is crowding with shortcuts and you want to
things. No problem... Right-click on Start button and
select "Open",
now you can do whatever you want: copy, rename, del...
If you're running Windows98 or IE4 on Windows95 you can
organize the menus without opening the Start Menu folder, simply
right-click on the shortcut and Copy, Cut, Del....